I posted a video about the three bills affecting pet owners in NJ (see previous blog post HERE) and received a tremendous number of comments from pet owners. Most expressed strong support for the bills, others had questions, and a few were skeptical or downright opposed.
It’s great to open up these discussions on social media, but the only way to ensure that your voice is heard by those who have the power to effect positive change is to contact the legislators who are considering these bills.
If you’d like to submit your comments to the committees, take a moment to email your thoughts to the Office of Legislative Services aide for the Committee that is hearing the bill–preferably at least 24 hours before the hearing. You may also want to contact the Prime Sponsor of the bill–the legislator who introduced it and will actively push for its passage–and let them know what you think.
Here’s the contact info for the 3 bills I mentioned in the previous post:
S1803 Ban on Declawing – Scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Economic Growth Committee on Feb. 16, 2023
Committee aide: OLSaideSEG@njleg.org
Prime Sponsor: SenSingleton@njleg.org
S3137 Vet Billing Transparency & S3327 The Pet Insurance Act both being heard in the Senate Commerce Committee on Feb. 16, 2023
Committee aide: OLSaideSCM@njleg.org
Prime Sponsor of S3137: SenCryan@njleg.org
Prime Sponsor of S3327: SenGopal@njleg.org