Vaccine Choice Protest Set for Noon Today in Trenton

Vaccine Choice Protest Set for Noon Today in Trenton

Vaccine choice advocates plan to assemble in Trenton at Noon today in protest of S2907/A4576, which seek to make the flu vaccine mandatory for all students in public and private schools for students in grades K-12, and at colleges & universities in New Jersey. [Click here to see my previous blog post for details]

Similar protests earlier this year drew thousands of people, ultimately killing a bill that would have removed the religious exemption for vaccines in New Jersey.

I’m very interested to see how large the crowds will be today, and how many people will be wearing masks. Will the threat of COVID-19 be enough to keep people away? Personally, I doubt it: bone-chilling temperatures didn’t deter thousands of protestors from showing up back in January, and today’s weather in Trenton calls for 73 degree temps under partly sunny skies at Noon. If anything, I think this group’s passion will have only grown stronger.

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