Marijuana Legalization About to Become Reality in NJ

Marijuana Legalization About to Become Reality in NJ

Great coverage today from the Asbury Park Press regarding the State Legislature’s final passage of bills that provide the framework for decriminalizing small amounts of marijuana and pave the way for legal weed sales in New Jersey. Visit for the full story.

Due to COVID restrictions, both Voting Sessions were held remotely yesterday, and for those of us who tuned in, it was one of the more painful examples of a ubiquitous work-from-home conference call. Reporters Mike Davis and Stacy Barchenger summed it up well:

“In the Assembly, one member sat waiting on another call, hold music blaring to all as votes were cast. And in the Senate, one person’s home phone rang off the hook during the session.

Another interrupted the proceedings — multiple times — with a noise identified by many listeners as the unmistakable sound of flatulence.”

To be fair, pork roll can have that effect on some people.

For heaven’s sake, people, PUT YOURSELVES ON MUTE.